Welcome and thank you for enrolling...

Please take a few minutes and fill out the following form to enroll as a judge for the 2024-2025 Future City Competition. The following information will be used to contact you for the remainder of the competition. The information about your employer and professional affiliations is requested so that we may acknowledge their and your contribution and support to the Future City Competition. This information will not be shared, sold, or made public in any manner. We respect your privacy.
Account Information
Enter your email address. This will serve as your username. Once you complete this form, you will receive an email message with further instructions to complete the registration process. Please enter your email address twice to confirm you have correctly entered your email address.
Email Address:
Confirm your email address:
Enter an optional alternate email address. All correspondence sent to the above address will also be copied to this email address.
Alternate Email Address:
How would you like to participate in the Future City Competition?
My Choice of Region
Contact Information
Your Name: Home/Cell Phone:
Employer Information
Employer: Work Phone:
Address 1: Position/Title:
Address 2:
State/Province: Zip/Postal Code:
Association Information
Professional Societies:
Maximum: 200
Do you know anyone who would like to be a judge or volunteer? Please provide their email address. If you have more than one recommendation, please include a semicolon between email addresses:
Maximum: 200

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